Self Education Resources

June 26, 2020 

  1. Rachel Cargle • The Great Unlearn
  2. Playlist curated by Latonya Staubs • Matter. Do Better. What's Better?
  3. Web Series: The Next Question •  created by Austin Channing Brown, Chi Chi Okwu + Jenny Booth Potter
  4. Podcast: Unlocking Us • Interview with Ibram X. Kendi with Brene Brown

July 10, 2020 

Book • White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

July 17, 2020 

  1. READ • Vogue: “Why Every Environmentalist Should Be Anti-Racist“ by Leah Thomas, @greengirlleah 
  2. LISTEN • 1619, by Nikole Hannah Jones + the NY Times:  An audio series on how slavery has transformed America, connecting past and present through the oldest form of storytelling.  

  3. FOLLOW • @intersectionalenvironmentalist – a platform to support intersectional environmentalism and dismantle systems of oppression in the environmental movement, founded by @greengirlleah

  4. WATCH • Disclosure on Netflix : an unprecedented, eye-opening look at transgender depictions in film and television, revealing how Hollywood simultaneously reflects and manufactures our deepest anxieties about gender. 

August 1, 2020 

  1. LISTEN • Woke Beauty Podcast: Torri Yates-Orr interview. Austin, TX based creative @rileyblanks has inspired us for years and we love her latest project - the @wokebeauty podcast! This interview with @torriyatesorr gets us thinking about history in a real way.

  2. READ • Brands Are Today’s Colonial Masters by Ayesha Barenblat of @remakeourworld and Aditi Mayer @aditimayer 

  3. READ + FOLLOW• George McCalman @mccalmanco - San Francisco based artist, illustrator, designer. Read George’s recent articles in @sfchronicle + @marinlivingmag . Sign up for his email list. Stay tuned for his upcoming show at @theperishtrust !

  4. READ 📗 • “I’m Still Here” by Austin Channing Brown @austinchanning - realness and a great, supremely readable book (also great on audio - read by the author!)

August 13, 2020 

a call to action from our July donation recipient, @crafting_the_future. 

1. are you an artist? become a member >

2. everyone else? donate to Crafting the Future to make craft, art and design scholarships available to BIPOC students for next summer >


Crafting the Future is a collective of artists concerned about the lack of racial and ethnic diversity in the fields of craft, art, and design. They formed in order to change their community. Working together and combining resources, they support the careers of young, underrepresented artists by connecting them to opportunities that will help them thrive.

In 2019 they sent two students of YAYA, the dynamic youth arts organization in New Orleans, to a two-week workshop at Penland School of Craft.

They are thrilled to announce several new institutional partnerships including @johnccampbellfolkschool @petersvalley and @pghglasscenter . These schools are all fully funding or matching Crafting the Future scholarships. They now have a total of 30 scholarships to award to BIPOC students for next summer!

September 4, 2020 

  1. READ • This article by Jenna Wortham, @jennydeluxe, in NY Times Magazine: “How a New Wave of Black Activists Changed the Conversation.”
  2.  WATCH • “Ashes to Ashes,” a film about two artists—a leather worker and a painter—addressing racial injustice in America. Made by Taylor Rees and Dr. Shirley Jackson Whitaker.

    This film tells the story of avid Star Wars fan and master leatherwork artist, Winfred Rembert, who survived an attempted lynching in 1967. The film also brings to light the extraordinary friendship between Winfred and Dr. Shirley, while she is on a mission to memorialize the forgotten 4,000 African Americans lynched during the Jim Crow era through a special home-going ceremony.

  3. READ • in the SF Chronicle: “I got called the n-word in Wine Country, a reminder of how far BLM movement still needs to go” by Justin Phillips.